Colonial History Relevant to Today

American history does not end with today. The values and principles of our forbearers and Founders of our democracy must be refreshed and renewed continuously. As you may know these principles are under severe challenge and stress in the current environment. Therefore this site will provide historical information and its relevance to the present that will help you make meaningful decisions in our nation today.

The American Management Association as Co-Author of Four Levers of Corporate Change 

Annual Award, Books and the Teenage Reader for Gangs and Crimes 

Featured Book at Frankfort Book Fair: Business Writing Handbook, Websters New World 


Informative Books of History Written for Lovers of the Past

This is history written for lovers of the past… history that is clear and easy to understand… history that can be read quickly… history that uses simple, non-academic language… history that creates a context for you to understand what is happening in America today. 

Woman Reading A Book